Articles (international)

Davis, B., & Jansen, C. (2024). Educating vulnerable communities about diabetes: Can a fotonovela work?  Health Education Journal, 83(3), 269-281.

Jansen, C. (2023). Using a U-turn construction in Information Design (Editorial).  Information Design Journal, 28(3), 1-5.

Schlatmann, F., Van Balken, M., De Winter, A., De Jong, I.J., & Jansen, C. (2022). How do patients understand questions about lower urinary tract symptoms? A qualitative study of problems in completing urological questionnaires. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(15), 9650. (registering DOI).

Davis, B., & Jansen, C. (2021). Deploying a fotonovela to combat methamphetamine abuse among South Africans with varying levels of health literacy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(12), 6334. (registering DOI).

Jansen, C.J.M., Koops van ‘t Jagt, R., Reijneveld, S.A, Van Leeuwen, E., De Winter, A.F., & Hoeks, J.C.J. (2021). Improving health literacy responsiveness: A randomized study on the uptake of brochures on doctor-patient communication in primary health care waiting rooms. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(9), 5025. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18095025. First published: May, 10, 2021.

Davis, B., & Jansen, C. (2020). Using a fotonovela to battle chrystal meth in South Africa. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. Published online: 22 February 2019. DOI: doi 10.1080/15332640.2019.1568335.

De Winter, A. & Jansen, C. (Eds.) (2019/2020). Special Issue “Routes to Improve Health Literacy during the Life-Course”.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Jansen, C., De Winter, A., & Davis, B. (Eds.) (2020/2021). Special issue “Health Communication Interventions and Health Literacy in the 21st Century”. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Ooms, J., Jansen, C., & Hoeks, J. (2020). The story against smoking: An exploratory study into the processing and perceived effectiveness of narrative visual smoking warnings. Health Education Journal. DOI: 10.1177/0017896919867436. First published: August 7, 2019.

Koops van ’t Jagt, R., Tan, S. L., Hoeks, J., Spoorenberg, S., Reijneveld, S. A., De Winter, A., Lippke, S., & Jansen, C. (2019). Using photo stories to support doctor-patient communication: Evaluating a communicative health literacy intervention for older adultsInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16193726. First published: October, 3, 2019.

Ooms, J., Hoeks, J., & Jansen, C. (2019). Hey, that could be me: The role of similarity in narrative persuasion. PLOS ONE. Published online: April 18, 2019. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215359.

Jansen, C., & Van der Kroef, G. (2018). The Impact of Receivers’ Nationality and Cultural Orientation on the Effects of Fear Appeals in Health Communication. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 48(1), 72-90. Published online: 10 December 2018. DOI: 10.1080/17475759.2018.1555673.

Donné, L., Jansen, C., & Hoeks, J. (2018). The influence of conversational content on college students’ safe sex intentions: A mixed method approach. Global Journal of Health Science, 10 (3), 1-14.

Geboers, B., Uiters, E., Reijneveld, S.A., Jansen, C.J.M., Almansa, J., Nooyens, A.C.J., Verschuren, W.M.M., De Winter, A.F., and Picavet, H.S.J. (2018, open access). Health literacy among older adults is associated with their 10-years’ cognitive functioning and decline: The Doetinchem cohort study.  BMC Geriatrics.

Donné, L., Jansen, C., and Hoeks, J. (2017, open access). Uncovering Factors Influencing Interpersonal Health Communication. Global Qualitative Nursing Research, 4, 1-10.

Donné, L., Hoeks, J., and Jansen, C. (2017, open access). Using a narrative to spark safer sex communication. Health Education Journal, 76(6), 635-647.

Jansen, C. (2017). Developing persuasive health campaign messages. In A. Black, P. Luna, O. Lund, and S. Walker (Eds.). Information Design: Research and Practice, pp. 669-684. London / New York: Routledge.

Jansen, C., Richards, R., and Van Zyl, L. (2017, open access). Evaluating four readability formulas for Afrikaans. Stellenbosch Papers In Linguistics Plus, 53: Die wisselwerking tussen teorie en praktyk in toegepaste taalkunde: The interplay between theory and praxis in applied linguistics, 149-166.

Koops van ’t Jagt, R., Hoeks, J.C.J, Duizer, E., Baron, M., Molina, G.B., Unger, J.B., and Jansen, C.J.M. (2017, open access). Sweet temptations: How does reading a fotonovela about diabetes affect Dutch adults with different levels of literacy? Health Communication, 1-7.

Ooms, J., Jansen, C.J.M., Hommes, S., and Hoeks, J.C.J. (2017, open access). ‘Don’t make my mistake.’ On the processing of narrative fear appeals. International Journal of Communication, 11, 4924–4945.

Davis, B. and Jansen, C. (2016, in print and open access). This may come as a surprise: How prior knowledge of information in a fear appeal is associated with message outcomes. Communicatio; South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, 42(3), 398-421.

Donné, L., Hoeks, J., and Jansen, C. (2016). Talking about health messages: The relationship between perceived complexity, processing time, and conversational intentions. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics, 5(2), 126-144.

Geboers, B., Reijneveld, S.A., Jansen, C.J.M., and De Winter, A.F.(2016). Health literacy is associated with health behaviors and social factors among older adults: Results from the LifeLines Cohort Study. Journal of Health Communication, 21(Suppl 2), 45-53.

Koops van ’t Jagt, R., Hoeks, J., Jansen, C., De Winter, A., and Reijneveld, M. (2016). Comprehensibility of health-related documents for older adults with different levels of health literacy: A systematic review. Journal of Health Communication, 20(13), 159-177.  DOI:10.1080/10810730.2015.1049306.

Koops van ‘t Jagt, R., De Winter,  A., Reijneveld, S.A., Hoeks, J.C.J., and Jansen, C.J.M. (2016). Development of a communication intervention for older adults with limited health literacy: photo stories to support doctor-patient communication. Journal of Health Communication, 21(sup2), 69-82.

Lubinga, E., Maes, A., and Jansen, C. (2016). How Peer Conversations About HIV/AIDS Media Messages Affect Comprehension and Beliefs of Young South African Women. SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS, 13(1), 68-80. DOI:10.1080/17290376.2016.1197146

Geboers, B., Brainard, J.S., Loke, Y.K., Jansen, C.J.M., Salter, C., Reijneveld, S.A., and De Winter, A.F. (2015). The association of health literacy with adherence in older adults, and its role in interventions: A systematic meta-review. BMC Public Health, 15, 903. DOI:10.1186/s12889-015-2251-y. 

Ooms, J., Jansen, C., and Hoeks, J. (2015). The EPPM put to the test. Evaluating four basic propositions. Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics, 4(2), 241-256. DOI: 10.1075/dujal.4.2.0700m.

Jansen, C. & Verstappen, R. (2014). Fear appeals in health communication: Should the receivers’ nationality or cultural orientation be taken into account? Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 43(4), 346-368. DOI:10.1080/17475759.2014.981675.

Geboers, B., De Winter, A., Luten, K., Jansen, C., and Reijneveld, M. (2014). The association of health literacy with physical activity and nutritional behavior in older adults, and its social cognitive mediators. Journal of Health Communication 19(Sup2), 61-76. DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2014.934933.

Lubinga, E., Jansen, C., and Maes, A. (2014). ‘If you care, do not share’. Exploring effects of using rhetorical figures in HIV and AIDS messages on young South Africans’ willingness to engage in conversations. Communicatio; South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, 40-1, 49-68. Doi: 10.1080/02500167.2014.868365.

Stassen, I. and Jansen, C. (2012). The Development of an Academic Writing Centre in the Netherlands. In C. Thaiss, G. Bräuer, P. Carlino, L. Ganobcsik-Williams & A. Sinha (Eds.), Writing Programs Worldwide: Profiles of Academic Writing in Many Places. Perspectives on Writing. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, chapter 25, pp. 293-300.

Broersma, A. and Jansen, C. (2012). “Why should I?” On selecting the content of persuasive HCT messages for students at a previously disadvantaged university in South Africa. Communicare; Journal for Communication Sciences in Southern Africa, 31(1), p. 19-35.

Arts, A., Maes, A., Noordman, L., and Jansen, C. (2011). Overspecification in written instruction. Linguistics, 49(3), pp. 555-574.

Arts, A., Maes, A., Noordman, L., and Jansen, C. (2011). Overspecification facilitates object identification. Journal of Pragmatics, 43(1), p. 361-374.

Lubinga, E. and Jansen, C. (2011). “No ‘til we know” fela ba a tseba naa? On using African languages to communicate HIV and AIDS to young South Africans. Communicatio; South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, 37(3), p.466-481.

Jansen, C. and Janssen, I. (2010). Talk about it: Effects of cryptic billboards about HIV/AIDS. Communicatio; South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, 36(1), p. 130-141.

Jansen, C., Nistelrooij, M. van, Olislagers, K., Sambeek, M. van, & Stadler, L. de (2010). A fire station in your body: Metaphors in educational texts on HIV/AIDS. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 28(2), p. 133-139.

Lubinga, E., Schulze, M., Jansen, C.,a nd Maes, A. (2010). HIV/AIDS messages as a spur for conversation among young South Africans? African Journal of AIDS Research, 9(2), p. 175-185.

Verheij, K. and Jansen, C. (2010). HIV/AIDS related beliefs at the University of Limpopo. African Journal of Rhetoric, 1 (2), p. 49-71.

Hoeken, H., Swanepoel, P., Saal, E., and Jansen, C. (2009). Using message form to stimulate conversations: The case of tropes. Communication Theory, 19 (1), p. 49-65.

Jansen, C. and Meijer Drees, M. (2009). “Kleine Jantje kreeg een vlieger”. Oor die ontwikkeling van die Nederlandse en die Afrikaanse smartlap. In: R. Foster, Y. T’Sjoen & T. Vaessens (red). Over grenzen. Een vergelijkende studie van Nederlandse, Vlaamse en Afrikaanse poëzie. Hoofdstuk 14. Leuven/Den Haag: Acco, p. 333-347. [also published in Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans, 13, 2 (2006), p. 112-128]

Van Horen, F., Jansen, C., Noordman, L., and Maes, A. (2008). Manuals for the elderly: Text characteristics that help or hinder older users. In: G. Hayhoe & H. Grady (Eds.), Connecting People with Technology: Issues in Professional Communication. Amityville, NY: Baywood, p.  43-53.

Jansen, C., Hoeken, H., Ehlers, D., and Van der Slik, F. (2008). Cultural differences in the perceptions of fear and efficacy in South Africa.  In: P. Swanepoel & H. Hoeken (Eds.), Adapting Health Communication to Cultural Needs: Optimizing Documents in South African Health Communication on HIV and AIDS. Amsterdam: Benjamins, p. 107-128.

Swanepoel, P., Burger, M., Loohuis, A., and Jansen, C. (2008). Promoting VCT among South African students: Are we missing the message? In: P. Swanepoel & H. Hoeken (Eds.), Adapting Health Communication to Cultural Needs: Optimizing Documents in South African Health Communication on HIV and AIDS. Amsterdam: Benjamins, p. 89-106.

Jansen, C., Schreuder, R. and Neijt, A. (2007). The influence of spelling conventions on perceived plurality in compounds: A comparison of Afrikaans and Dutch. Written Language and Literacy, 10 (2), p. 105-114.

Le Pair, R., Jansen, C., Korzilius, H., Van Gerdingen, J., De Graaf, S., and Visser, R.  (2007). ‘Information Mapping: Effects of Text Features and Reader Characteristics on Performance and Appreciation’. Information Design Journal, 15 (1), p. 69-83.

Jansen, C., Van Baal, J., and Bouwmans, E. (2006). Investigating culturally-oriented fear appeals in  public information documents on HIV/AIDS. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 11 (April). (

Jansen, C., Van de Berg, M., Buurman, C., and Smits, M. (2006). ‘The scarier the better? Effects of adding images to verbal warnings on cigarette packages.’ In: S. Carliner, C. de Waele & J.P. Verckens (eds.),  Information and Document Design: Varieties on Recent Research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, Document Design Companion Series, nr. 7, p.129–147.

Jansen, C., and Meijer Drees, M. (2006). “Kleine Jantje kreeg een vlieger”. Oor die ontwikkeling van die Nederlandse en die Afrikaanse smartlap. Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans, 13 (2), p. 112-128. [Also published in: R. Foster, Y. T’Sjoen & T. Vaessens (red). Over grenzen. Een vergelijkende studie van Nederlandse, Vlaamse en Afrikaanse poëzie. Hoofdstuk 14. Leuven/Den Haag: Acco, p. 333-347].

Van Onna, B. and Jansen, C. (2006). ‘How multilingual are the Dutch really? On proficiency in Dutch, English, French, and German in Dutch organizations.’ Belgian Journal of English Language and Literatures, New Series 4, p. 169-180.

Jansen, C., Croonen, M., and De Stadler, L. (2005). ‘Take John, for instance’. Effects of exemplars in public information documents on HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Information Design Journal + Document Design, 13 (3), p. 194-210.

Jansen, C. (2004). Völlig negiert oder genauestens studiert? Konsumenten berichten über die Rolle, die technische Gebrauchstexte in ihrem täglichen Leben spielen. In: E. Gräfe (Hrsg.), tekom Frühjahrstagung 2004. Stuttgart: tekom, p. 43-49.

Jansen, C. (2003). Be wise – condomize? Over de relevantie van de culturele achtergrond van in Nederland wonende Ghanezen voor voorlichting over HIV/AIDS. Tydskrif vir Nederlands en Afrikaans, 10, p. 137-151.

Jansen, C., Korzilius, H., Le Pair, R., and Roest, M. (2003). Testing an Information Mapping ® text: Does the method live up to the expectations? Document design, Journal of research and problem solving in organizational communication, 4, p. 48-59.

Jansen, C. (2002). Designing usable technical documents. Why bother? Indus, Newsletter from the India Chapter of STC, 4 (4). September 2002, p. 12-13.

Jansen, C. (2002). Reflecting on Information Mapping©: does the method live up to the expectations? In: Reflections on communication. Proceedings of the International Professional Communication Conference, Portland (OR), September 2002. IEEE catalogue number 02CH37389, p. 307-318.

Jansen, C. and Balijon, S. (2002). How do people use instruction guides? Confirming and disconfirming patterns of use. Document design, Journal of research and problem solving in organizational communication, 3, p. 195-204.

Van Horen, F., Jansen, C., Noordman, L., and Maes, A. (2001). Manuals for the elderly: Which information cannot be missed? Journal of technical writing and communication, 31, p. 415-431.

Jansen, C. and Pollmann, M. (2001). On round numbers. Pragmatic aspects of numerical expressions. Journal of quantitative linguistics, 8, p. 187-201.

Jansen, C. and Steehouder, M. (2001). How research can lead to better government forms. In: D. Janssen & R. Neutelings (eds.). Reading and writing government documents. Amsterdam: Benjamins, p. 11-36.

Westendorp, P., Jansen, C., and Punselie R. (2000). Parallels and dichotomies in interface design and document design. In: P. Westendorp et al. (eds.), Interface design and document design. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, p. 9-26.

Jansen, C. and Maes, A. (1999). Document design. South African Journal of Linguistics, 17 (4), p. 234-255.

Spruijt, S. and Jansen, C. (1999). The influence of task and format on reading results with online text. IEEE transactions on professional communication, 42 (2), p. 92-99.

Wright, P., Jansen, C., and Wyatt, J. (1998). How to limit clinical errors in interpretation of data. The lancet, 352, p. 1539-1543.

Jansen, C. and Steehouder, M. (1997). Designing procedures as a foundation for instructions. In: Morris, A. (ed.), Crossroads in communication. Proceedings IPCC97. Salt Lake City, UT, p. 9-15.

Jansen, C. and Van Erkel, A.J.(1996). Instructional documents in Spanish and Dutch: Do they really differ? In: T. Ensink & C. Sauer (eds.), Researching Technical Documents, Groningen: University of Groningen, p. 69-86.

Steehouder, M. and Jansen, C. (1996). The sequential order of instructions: Impact on text quality. In: Evolution or Revolution? Proceedings STC annual conference. Arlington, VA: STC, p. 247-250.

Jansen, C. and Steehouder, M. (1996). The sequential order of procedural instructions: Some formal methods for designers of flow charts. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 26, p. 453-473.

Pollmann, M. andJansen, C. (1996). The language user as an arithmetician. Cognition, 59, p. 219-237.

Jansen, C. (1994). Computerised writing aids: do they really help? In: M. Steehouder et al. (eds.). Quality of technical dcumentation. Utrecht studies in language and communication, nr. 3. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, p. 239-248.

Jansen, C. (1994). Research in Technical Communication in the Netherlands. Technical communication, 41, p. 234-239.

Jansen, C. (1994). Technikdokumentation in den Niederlanden. In: G. Bock (Hrsg.), Weiterbildung zum Technikautor. Internationales Symposium zur Technikdokumentation, Berlin und Gotha 1992. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag, p. 158-164.

Steehouder, M. and Jansen, C. (1994). Issues in developing an online advisory system for text writers. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 24, p. 139-148.

Jansen, C. and Steehouder, M. (1992). Forms as a source of communication problems. Journal of technical writing and communication, 22, p. 179-194.

Steehouder, M. and Jansen, C. (1992). Optimizing the quality of forms. In: H. Pander Maat & M. Steehouder (eds.), Studies of functional text quality. Utrecht Studies in language and communication, nr. 1. Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, p. 159-172.

Jansen, C.J.M., Steehouder, M., Pilot, A., Schrauwen, D., and Looijmans, P.J.M. (1986). ALEXIS: Computer-assisted feedback on written assignments. Computers and composition, 4, p. 32-45. [Also published in: J. Moonen & T. Plomp (eds.) Eurit 86: Development of educational software. London: Pergamon Press, p. 81-88]

Steehouder, M. and Jansen, C. (1987). From bureaucratic language to instructional texts. How to design an effective problem-solving tool for citizens. Information design journal, 5, p. 129-139.